Lycan Mating Games Book One
S. Cinders
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No part of the book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.
Eclipse Press
An imprint of
ABCD Graphics and Design, Inc.
A Virginia corporation
977 Seminole Trail #233
Charlottesville, VA 22901
S. Cinders
EBook ISBN: 978-1-61258-957-2
Print ISBN: 978-1-61258-989-3
Cover Art by ABCD Graphics & Design
This book contains fantasy themes appropriate for mature readers only. Nothing in this book should be interpreted as Blushing Books' or the author's advocating any non-consensual sexual activity.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 1
S. Cinders
Chapter 1
Everyone wanted to be me in high school, and I wanted to be anyone else. You see, where I come from there are only two things that matter in this world—your bloodline and your ability to survive.
So, while yes, I was the head cheerleader and top of my class, it didn’t mean shit to me. Because none of that really mattered. My parents didn’t attend one football game. I didn’t get money for grades or proudly post my exams on the fridge. Excellence was not only expected, it was the norm and to be sub-par was not tolerated in the Smithson household.
My older brother Daniel aced both the SAT and the ACT. I didn’t even open my test results. Why would I? It wasn’t as if I could go to college anyway. In my family, that wasn’t the way it worked.
When you turned nineteen, you were sent out west, somewhere in the middle of Wyoming. Daniel said that it was hotter than a witch’s tit in August. That just sounds awful.
The point was that all the unmated Lycans were to attend school together. Not school as in education, but training—fighting and warfare.
Daniel and I were the only Lycans that had attended the local high school for several years. While it was somewhat known that we were different from the other students, they did not know that we were werewolves and I liked it that way.
Once a human knew about those abilities, it seemed to change how they saw you. It wasn’t such a big deal to become a different sort of animal for a short time. Stupid people, I have seen far worse things happen in human homes than I have ever seen in a Lycan home.
We live rather normally. Our neighborhoods look the same. We shop at the grocery store just like anyone else does.
Yes, there are some differences as well.
We train in our packs from a very early age to hone our skills. But the majority of our training is held off until we are older and sent to the Lycan Academy. The US Lycan United Force prided itself on its army of wolves. We were stronger, leaner and meaner than any other such army. At least that is what we like to think.
I graduated high school last May and my nineteenth birthday was yesterday. So, here I find myself packing my few belongings to travel to a place where I have never been. Wolves live in packs and travel in packs, so for me to have to leave is almost like requesting that I rip myself apart.
But I would go. I couldn’t shame my family, nor would I shame my pack. My father was the alpha of the Smithson Pack. I was his only daughter.
My father kissed the top of my head and sent me off with a blessing of peace and strength. He wouldn't be the one to take me on the seventeen-hour journey across the country. That was reserved for my older brother Daniel.
There was little said between us in the car ride, and I knew that Daniel was worried about me.
“Avery, if you need anything, just call us.” He hesitated before adding, “No, call me.”
His gruff voice startled me out of my musing.
I looked over and saw Danny’s tousled dark blond hair from where his hands had been running through it. My own hair was a much paler shade of blonde.
I looked at him in confusion as well as a little bit of hurt. Did he not think I was strong enough? Or did Danny think I would shame the family? “Why would I need anything?”
He had a pained look as he replied, “Things are different there. I can’t talk about it. It isn’t allowed. But know that if you need me to come and get you, I will.”
I looked at him with some degree of alarm, but swallowed it before saying, “I can handle myself, Daniel. I’m no longer a kid.”
Instead of teasing me about how the ripe old age of nineteen is hardly an adult, his mouth merely flattened into a straight line and he remained silent.
He was quiet for the next few hours. I stared out of the car window feeling my anxiety reaching dizzying heights. The terrain was flat and barren. Tumbleweeds and dust clouds were all that could be seen for miles.
Was this a mistake?
It wasn’t like I had a choice. Every nineteen-year-old Lycan was required to attend. Dread filled me as Daniel maneuvered the car through a set of gates that had to be thirty feet tall. The dusty road continued for another few miles until he pulled up to a massive brown building. It looked a bit like a castle or maybe a fortress. It didn’t fit the stark terrain surrounding it.
“What the hell, Dan?”
Daniel turned off the motor and shifted in his seat to look at me. “I am serious, Avery. If you need anything, please call me.”
I nodded slowly and answered shakily, “Okay, I will.”
He opened the door and helped me get my suitcase from the trunk. I noticed that there were other kids about my age getting out of their cars in the parking lot and filing into the building. The mood was somber, and the lines were long.
It was starting to get dark when after forty-five minutes I was finally given a room assignment. I turned to give Daniel a friendly wave when he suddenly swept me up in a brotherly hug. Considering that we were not a demonstrative family, I was more than a little surprised.
“You are strong, remember that,” he whispered against my hair.
Hell, what was this place?
“Um, thanks, Danny,” I mumbled against his chest, patting him awkwardly.
And then he was driving away, and I was left to search for my room. Glancing down I looked at my room number 748B. I figured it couldn’t be that hard to find. I set out in search of it.
After another twenty-five minutes, I realized that I was in the wrong hall as well as on the wrong floor.
Not to be deterred, I made my way to the right floor and finally found the door with 748B on it. With a forced smile, I put my key in the lock and allowed the door to swing open. Standing just inside what looked to be a rather spacious apartment was a naked guy.
Rippling with muscles, broad shoulders and sculpted abs, he was beyond gorgeous. What was worse was that I felt a magnetic pull to him that could only be described as otherworldly. It called out to me and I wanted, with every fiber of my being, to run into his arms.
My panties were immediately damp, and my nipples hardened into diamond points that almost hurt. It didn’t make sense. I didn’t believe in fated mates.
His face registered surprise and then awareness. He tried taking a step toward me. The only problem was that at his feet there was a girl eagerly sucking his dick down her throat.
“Excuse me,” I muttered, trying to rip my gaze away.
She was tiny, and her little pink thong was winking at me as it hugged her perfect ass. For all I knew she was his girlfriend. The rage that overtook me didn’t make a lick of sense.
What in the hell was going on?
I have never had this strong of a reaction to anyone or anything in my life. All I knew was that she had about two seconds to back away before I decided to cut the bitch.
I glanced back at the guy with the crazy, frozen look on his face. It vanished in seconds and in its place was the face of a player that knew he was hot.
“Oi, you must be Avery! Come in, love! We starte
d the party without you!”
Over my dead body.
Before I even had a chance to think about it, I had slammed my fist into his face. It must have scared Bitty Barbie because she bit down. Suddenly my new roommate was doubled over in pain holding his dick, blood spurting from his nose.
I grabbed her by the throat and lifted her almost off her feet. “Listen, you pink-haired cock sucker. Get out! I never want to see your face again.”
My wolf must have been close to the surface because it was more of a growl than a request. She lit out of there faster than lightning on a summer night.
Then, I turned to face my dickhead of a roommate. I tried to ignore the intense attraction that was still plaguing me. It wasn’t fair. I didn’t want anything to do with him.
“Look, hot stuff, this isn't the Love Connection nor is it MTV. I don’t care who or what you hump, but I never want to see it in my face again. Are we clear?”
He grabbed my arm in a tight grip, and I felt desire race up my skin. Our eyes clashed, and I could see that his had taken a yellowish tint. We were both a little out of control.
“Not hump anything? That is classic! Why in the hell do you think we are here, Avery?”
“To train,” I spit out. “Not whatever shit you were trying to pull.”
He dropped my arm in surprise. “Training? You think we are here training? Shit, this is hilarious. We can train anywhere, Avery, this has nothing to do with training. Lycans are dying out. We are here to extend our race. We have been paired together as the best possible match to procreate. Didn’t your family tell you that?”
They sure as hell hadn’t.
Chapter 2
Stupid nipples that wouldn’t control themselves—it was hard to concentrate with a naked guy just steps in front of me.
“How do you know my name?” I was looking anywhere but at him.
There was a shuffling as he pulled on some basketball shorts. “Your name is Avery Smithson, your birthday is July seventeenth, and you are nineteen years old. You weigh one hundred and eighteen pounds and are a little over five feet four inches tall.”
My eyes shot to his and my voice squeaked as I asked, “What is going on here?”
“Avery, didn’t your family tell you anything?” His impossibly handsome face was staring back at me in disbelief.
I scrambled, thinking back about what Daniel had said to me. “My brother dropped me off. He muttered some nonsense about being forbidden to tell me. He seemed anxious like he wanted to say something, but the words wouldn’t come out. But he kept repeating that he would come for me if I called him.”
My roommate's eyes widened in disbelief. “He was right. It isn’t for the males in your family to impart the information. It is passed through the females for the girls, just as the males speak with the boys. It should have been your mother or your aunts.”
He could not have known the nerve that he struck with me, but the blow hurt all the same.
“My mother died last year—cancer.”
“What?” His tone was incredulous. Lycans didn’t die from cancer; it was rare we had medical problems of any kind.
Even his face from where I had punched him and broken his nose had healed so much that the bruise was nearly gone. Only the blood that he hadn’t yet wiped away remained.
“She was human, not Lycan.” My voice dared him to say anything and my eyes met his head on. “Is that a problem for you?”
“No!” he responded quickly.
I could tell that I had surprised him, so I relented a little. “She was not my birth mother. But she was the only mother that I have ever known. My birth mother was killed by rogues when I was a baby. My father met Alice when I was two and Daniel was four.”
He blew out a breath. “I am sorry for your loss, Avery. But was there no other that could speak with you?”
He walked over to the small sink in the kitchen area and washed the dried blood off his face.
“My pack is small, and I do not have any female relatives.” I turned away from him and rubbed my arms.
His scent of pine, cinnamon and spice wrapped around me and I knew that it would be torture to remain in his presence and not touch him.
What was happening to me?
I shuffled backward to the door saying, “I will go back and see if they can find me another room. I am sorry to have bothered you and,” I motioned with my arm towards the hallway, “whatever that pink thong was.”
His hand wrapped around my arm again. Heat seared through me and another gush of warmth drenched my panties. This man was lethal to my health. I needed to get as far away from him as possible. He paused for a moment, and then his eyes darkened as he sniffed the air.
“I am afraid, Avery, that I cannot let you leave.”
He pushed me up against the wall, and suddenly I was very much aware that he was more than twice my size. Rather than being intimidated I felt wanton, willing to see where this might take me.
“You see, little one, you may not know why you are here, but I do. And there are thousands of randy wolves here that want nothing more than to bend you over the nearest table.”
I could feel the hardness of his erection through his shorts. “And you are somehow different?”
“Oh, no little one, I will most definitely bend you over the nearest sofa, table, counter— anywhere your heart desires.”
I shoved against his naked chest trying to clear my head. “You are such a pig. Why do you think that I would want that?”
His hand captured both of mine behind my back. “Is that a challenge, love?”
“I don’t know what you are talking about.” But I knew by the glittering of his eyes that he saw me as prey. And that I wanted to be caught. My nipples were straining to reach him, and my core was dripping for his touch.
His other hand unsnapped the front of my jeans.
Shit, no!
“What are you doing?” I thrashed in his arms trying to get away. I was so embarrassed that he would figure out what a complete and utter liar I truly was.
His lips descended to my neck, and I couldn’t think, couldn’t breathe. I was panting—like a dog! He sucked on my neck as his fingers made their way down towards my core.
“Goddess, Avery, you are soaked for me!” He slipped his fingers back and forth against my panties as I moaned and ground myself shamelessly against him.
It wasn’t until he ran his fingers underneath the elastic and touched my pussy for the first time that I realized I was moaning and crying out for more.
“I’ve got you baby girl, I won’t stop, I promise.” He soothed me as I rode his long thick finger.
I had never had any man intimately touch me before. So, it was no wonder that it only took a few moments for me to come apart.
Shattered, I could barely hold myself up, the waves of pleasure washing over me as I lay limply in his arms.
“And that, Avery,” he said against the skin of my neck, “is why you cannot be anyone else’s roommate.”
My eyes snapped open. I had just let some idiot finger me, and I didn’t even know his damn name. Better yet, he had just had some girl sucking his dick not fifteen minutes ago.
Filled with regret and disgust, I did the one thing that I thought I would never do.
Tears rolled down my cheeks. “I am no better than the pink thong,” I sobbed. “I don’t even know your name.”